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 what is success?

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what is success? _
PostSubject: what is success?   what is success? EmptySat Jun 11, 2011 8:30 am

how do you know that you are successful?

i know that i have nearly been successful of sorts at 3 different times in my life, im not entirely sure i am successful just now...

does being a mummy count as being successful? i can't help but feel i should be doing more? achieving more? (read as 'earning more?')

so how do you know that you have done as well as you're going to?

i know that i have lots more things to achieve, but do i have to achieve them before i have succeeded in life? and when do i do that? and how???????
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PostSubject: Re: what is success?   what is success? EmptySat Jun 11, 2011 8:45 am

I think if you're happy then that could be counted as a success. I don't think what you earn makes you successful. I'm a teacher so will never earn much but don't think that means I can't be successful.

To be honest I think being a good mum is one of the most successful things you can be because what can be more important than that
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what is success? _
PostSubject: Re: what is success?   what is success? EmptySat Jun 11, 2011 8:47 am

If you feel you have to achieve everything you want in life before you consider yourself successful - then I dont think you will ever be successful. I think its healthy to add new things you want to achieve to your list as you get older, and still feel succesful about the achievements you have already made.

It would be a bit silly to have a list of 5 things you want t achieve, achieve them all by 40.... and then sit back for the next 30 years.... I dont think you'd be very content/consider yourself succesful looking back on things you did 25 years ago. This backs up my theory that to be successful you need to have a growing/changing list of achievements and celebrate each one.

Am I making any sense?! This is all very deep... did they put something extra in that gaviscon?

Personally I view successful as someone who is happy with were they are in life (and it doesnt matter if its in a castle or a council house), someone who loves and is loved, has achieved their potential academically (again I dont mean be a Dr earning £100k, I mean went to uni if they wanted/studied marine biology with the OU as a hobby at 50 because they were interested in it etc).

I do tie success in with money alot too. However I think this is what makes so many of us unhappy. We forget to look at and appreciate other aspects of our lives that bring us more joy than money eg our children/relationships with family, laughter, food lol, our health. Nearly all of those we would chose over money... and yet we pin our success on being comfortably off. It says more about a person that they can bring up a well adjusted, happy child, have a stable loving relationship with partner/family, be kind to others.... than it does that someone was able to get a business degree and screw others over for a profit.

^^^^ Btw I have no idea were that rant just came from. I moan all the time about wanting a well paid job and all my friends being 'better' than me because they have 2 year old cars and a mortgage. Maybe I should search my soul more often!
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what is success? _
PostSubject: Re: what is success?   what is success? EmptySat Jun 11, 2011 9:20 am

A subject very close to my heart. Very Happy

Success is such a complex word it means so many different things to people.

I am successful and I define my success as accepting me for who I am and what I have and will achieve.

Despite my success I will never sit back because there is always more growing and learning to do. I refer to Maslow's hierarchy of need a lot
Self actualisation is my ultimate goal. Having achieved all the lower stages of Maslow's pyramid and reached a comfortable place it is still very important to me to push on and develop me as a person.

As an aside my OH measures his success by how much money he makes because he is very money motivated.

I measure Wil's success by how happy, relaxed and confident he is. I measure my success as a parent by Wil's success. I will ultimately judge myself as a parent by the adult that Wil becomes. I am guiding Wil to become a self reliant, responsible, self aware and balanced adult.
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what is success? _
PostSubject: Re: what is success?   what is success? EmptySat Jun 11, 2011 5:15 pm

I have one more thing succeed before i am at the peak of my happiness but that wont be for another 5 years. I am very happy at the mo tho.

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PostSubject: Re: what is success?   what is success? EmptyTue Jun 14, 2011 6:12 am

hmmmmmmm well i would not consider myself successful just yet either according to maslow or according to snoopy's hierarchy of rambling Laughing

i still cannot really put my finger on it, but i do believe that finding some sort of work that i am a) good at and b) able to be more independent again/financially stable/mentally stable will be a good starting point - however! - that is nearly impossible just now....

soooooooooo i shall just have to settle for generally content and umm managing, but it is very frustrating!
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