and benji had an ear infection about 2 months ago, apparently he has an ear infection in the same ear, the ear had been so infected it had nearly ruined his ear drum and he could've gone deaf
so glad we caught it on time...he'd also had suspected gastro...
poor lil man...he slept terribly last night...could be because his daddy had caught his bug, and was on the toilet (sick) from 12-3...and the bathroom is opposite benji's room
so benji comes in the bed with me, and yup didn't sleep a wink from tired
me on the other hand, i'm just old lol the doc said he thinks i have either a) suspected arthirits in the knee(s) or b) anterior something or other of the knee...either way i have to have physio...see if they can get me walking correctly (i walk in a little, and have flat feet) so that could be why...
hoping it's soon as i'm in agony
anything else...smite me oh mighty smiter