because I actually can't remember the last few weeks of pregnancy (or I didn't get these feelings with Tyler)... but are period type cramps just normal part of pregnancy or is it a sign of labour starting - albeit slowly, or could it be either?
Also feels like bubs is real low but my bump isn't any lower so dont think he's engaged but my pelvis is so sore it's uncomfy to sit and drive normally in the car, its not as if I can drive with my legs spread out but it feels like there's a head between my legs lol. Is that just normal pregnancy wear and tear - body preparing for labour sort of thing?
I have a niggling feeling that bubs is going to come sooner rather than later but I still can't get motivated to do my hospital bag... or speak to my pediatrician see if she will dliver the baby isntead of the crazy hospital doctor I got lumbered with last time :/