Ive just ordered Neil one after getting a deal on Groupon. 1 battery, 7 tips and a case/charger with a green led tip so no one thinks he is actually smoking. Equal to 280 cigs. Its an additional crimbo present to go with his choc poker chips and dvd. Usually 50 quid plus post got it all in for 17 posted.
Its a bit of a rubbish present really but he announced come new year he was gonna give up cold turkey which made me do this:
as he is so horrible when he quits I threatened to leave him once. I figure this way hes got the feel of smoking and the nictoine he would get with NRT so he can use it when he really has to and gradually decrese using it til he can get rid of it in his own time. And cos its got no other horrible nasties in it I can stop worrying about him dying!
So has anyone else tried them?