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PostSubject: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 2:23 am

Can anybody help me with what I need to take to the hospital for a section?

Do they supply big pants or do I need to get some?

How long were you in? They have said I will be in for 3 days min as I have two kids at home and think I will 'overdo' it.

What clothes did you take for the baby?

Any other things that you can think of that I may find useful would be so helpful.

Argh, so many questions! x
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PostSubject: Re: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 2:26 am

are you booked in for one ? i tke it the turning didnt go well hun ?

omg , when ?
sorry have no answer for any of your questions xxx
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PostSubject: Re: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 2:39 am


I consider myself to be c section expert lol. (I've had 3)

When I was pg with Ellie I was booked in for elective due to two previous sections. But I went into labour a few days before my planned date. I arrived at hospital at about 5am, I was quickly assessed and taken to theatre, given a spinal and she was delivered at 6.30am on Thursday. I was home Saturday morning.

I'm bot sure if they put any pants on me just a maternity pad and on a mat for the first 24 hours and just came and cleaned me and changed the pad and mat every couple of hours. After that I was up showered and had my own (specially bought) cheap big knickers from Asda. After that it's as i expect it's the same as a vaginal birth with regard to knickers. I took 3 days worth of vests and sleep suits and nappies in with me.

I'd suggest nighties rather than pjs as someone else will be accessing you down below for the first day.

All of my sections were very straight forward and all in all quite enjoyable and stress free. I had Ellie at 6.30am, was back on the ward for about 9am and by 11am I had reached into my cabinet, cleansed my face, applied eye liner, mascara and lippy and brushed my hair (looked bloody gorgeous by the time visitors arrived). Smile

Feel free to ask any questions xxxx
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PostSubject: Re: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 3:08 am

I take it the turning didn't work?

Buy some big pants, as high waisted as you can get, you don't want anything sitting on your scar, primark do some horrific granny pants that do the job for a couple of quid. Also some loose fitting bottoms for hour journey home and a cushion to put under the lap part of the seatbelt for the journey home to protect you from any bumps (you can leave that in the car though)

Definitely take nighties rather than pjs as the midwives will be changing your pads for you and it's more comfy,

I came home on the 4th day after my op, have you got a date? X
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PostSubject: Re: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 4:02 am

Well both mine were emergency sections not elective but hopefully can give you some advice

-Do your own shave job! They beggared up mine both times and ended up with dressing stuck to me, NOT comfy

-Big knickers are a MUST. Get the huge granny pants reccomended and nice baggy jog bottoms. I pretty much lived in PJ bottoms if im being honest.

-An alternative to nighties is mens shirts and they are great for bfing too as you just unbutton them.

-If you think you are gonna cough or sneeze press your palm hard to your scar first. Same when you go to the loo the 1st time. Bleieve me that first ninja sneeze isnt nice but a bit of prep where possible can help

-They do prob have a point about overdoing it. After C i wasnt even out of bed for 24 hours and in for 6 days after though not by choice but after Awen i got up after 6 hours and walked out to the toilet after 8 and i really regretted it later-not enough to learn my lesson though and it took my MW bollocking Neil for letting me overdo it to keep me still once I was home and tbh it did cause me probs with scar healing and pain so take the time they offer to rest

-Once you are in bed dont let the nurses leave without making sure everything you need is in reach, having to get bubba out of the cot at 4am hurts when you have to reach to get them. And if need be buzz to get them handed to you. Believe me mat units arent exactly the busiest place to work as they are full of mostly self caring ppl so you wont be putting ppl out.

-hmm will think on this and come back

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PostSubject: Re: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 4:40 am

Oh my word, it sounds like its going to be a bit of a nightmare for the first 24 hours.

I was wondering what happens about picking the baby up, I would feel odd buzzing for somebody to pass her to me. But I guess if I dont have a choice then they have to.

Its booked for 12th January, but they said I was having tightenings (on the monitor) so think I may end up going in before as an emergency (I hope not).

I am going to pop to Matalan tomorrow and get some nighties and granny knickers then Shocked.

I have packed 3 vests & sleepsuits and nappies, etc.

Keep any advice coming as im finding it all really handy, thanks ladies xx
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PostSubject: Re: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 5:01 am

laura one bit of advice - take the painkillers when they give you them and keep them up when you get home. I thought to myself im feeling ok will just skip the painkillers and trust me you pay for it.

you will be ok picking her up just take your time getting out of bed.

eat well and keep up your strength and definately dont over do it.

I was out on day 5. supposed to be day 4 but they were really busy on day 4 so never really got round to me to do bloods etc before letting me out so was out early on day 5.

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PostSubject: Re: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 5:07 am

Mine was a crash section so I had no idea I would be going in and had nothing. Hadnt even thought of packing a bag. They gave me pads and some really coole knickers that wer like tights without they legs, they were perfect for staying away from he incision

Im going to go against the majority here and say that I found joggies alot more comfortable than nighty. Just had them really big so they came up to my boobs lol. Same with knickers. (which I'm still wearing now hahahaa).

Take full advantage of the morphine while they let you, I was nodding off mid conversation but jesus christ I knew about it when they took it off me. I was up and about within 8 hours and home within 24 hours which I totally do not reccommend I thought I was going to die and couldnt imagine ever being ok again but by day 3 (I think thats when your 'supposed' to go home) Everything was alot better.

Keep on top of the pain. Dont wait for it to start before you take the painkillers.

I had a v shaped pillow and it was perfect for putting between me and the seatbelt. dont go over any speedbumps if you can avoid it. I had to go over some to get into Amelias hospital and it was the most horrific pain ever.

Pillow also comes in handy for sneezes and coughs. You wont realise how much you actually cough untill you have a c section

And finally Yay! Mybirthday is the 12th of January!!!!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 5:25 am

Make sure you do buzz them every time you want the baby until they say you can get up. I tried to get Jamie because I didn't want to bother them and I couldn't and had to buzz them anyway and it just made me hurt. They really don't mind. One advantage is that they change the first pooey nappy (unless its in visiting time then Daddy will have to Laughing ).

I would say prepare yourself for the fact you won't be able to hold the baby for a while in case that is what happens. In my case they offered me Jamie but the drugs made me sick and shaky and I didn't feel happy holding him for about an hour. That might not be the case for you but I would guess it would be better to be prepared for that and it not to be the case than the other way round.

Like others have said big knickers and then high, loose waisted things. I did wear pjs and just didn't bother to put bottoms on for the first 24 hours (wasn't allowed out of bed anyway). I preferred pjs in hospital because I was worried about flashing visitors and bleeding. Initially they'll put a mat and pads on and change them for you but after that you'll need your own pads. I will say I didn't bleed anywhere near as much as I thought and I don't know if that's because they scrape so much out. I then basically wore pjs or loose maternity trousers for days. I actually found after a few days I wanted something tighter there to give me some support.

I really wouldn't try and do too much. I was given a list from the hospital and wasn't even allowed to cook for the first week (which I suspect was because they don't want you to stand too long) and you can't hoover for either four or six weeks (I have a feeling it might have been six because I know you could have sex first but that wasn't happening). Have you got anyone who can come and help? I was lucky because my Mum took a week off work and did it by working earlies and a half shift so could come round by 11.30 for the two weeks after Adam went back and Dad or my sister were there until she got there. I know most people can't arrange that but I'd take any help you can get for the first few weeks

Hold onto your scar when you cough, sneeze or move. Don't do what I did which was lay down with Jamie as it was the only way to get him to sleep at all and then basically do a sit up holding him. That hurts.

Don't be afraid to ask for everything you want and as Steph says take the drugs. I stopped when I got home and I'm sure that's part of the reason I hurt for longer than some. Saying that I know some ladies that have had sections and have felt ok after a couple of days. I'd get someone else to wash your wound as it will be easier.

If you're going to bf use a pillow as otherwise I had to hold Jamie up and he used to kick me right where my scar was. Actually that probably also applies to bottle feeding

Hmm can't think of anything else at the moment. Mine was an emergency anyway so slightly different and I had to get Adam to bring in extra supplies
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PostSubject: Re: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 5:49 am

Hey hun, dont worry because the first couple of days fly anyway because you are just in awe of this little baby! On the plus side, you will get some real bonding time with just you and the baby.....which is the lovely side of having a section!

1. Big pants, or just a size up or they sit higher.

2. Regular meds

3. Perfume free shower gel for afterwards, so it doesnt sting etc.

4. Do your own shave job.

5. You may experience painful trapped wind from the op (i mean really painful), peppermint oil or mints help a pack some polos, and if it happens ask the nurses for some peppermint water, it helps a lot.......and told be too prude to fart, fart, fart!!!

6. This is a big no no really, but I couldnt stand keep asking for baby to be passed to i tied baby to me with my bed sheet Cool , or you could buy a proper baby wrap to take with you.

7. When your in theatre it feels pretty clinical, so just keep chatting, and if youre worried about anything in the slightest then ask someone. For instance the spinal block had gone in, and they told me they were starting, BUT Ahhhhhh, I could still wiggle my toes....I went into panic and yelled 'Mr Jones, dont do anything, im wiggling my toes' which very calmly and monotone he replied 'Calm down Lisa its a good job im not a foot surgeon then isnt it!, we have started already and believe me you would be telling us if you could feel it!' Laughing I felt a right muppet, but they were all great.

I felt sick, and just mentioned it to my anaesthetist, and within seconds she had put something in my canular, and my nausea was gone!!

I had my section on Friday lunchtime, and came out Sunday teatime (i pushed for this)....It wasnt horrendous, but prob should have stayed another day really.

It will be fine, and all over before you know it xxx

Actually though I really enjoyed the time we had to be just mum and babe, and although I missed Isla and Chris loads, it was lovely to just be with her.....before the chaos of home - lol.
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PostSubject: Re: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 6:00 am

I've had two as well and agree with everything put already. Agree with Lisa don't be afraid to fart, as you will get trapped wind and the nurses will want to make sure you are passing it lol. I took some peppermint cordial with me. Also take all the meds they give you. I was feeling almos normal after 2 weeks with L, I recovered really well. Just don try to do too much too soon x
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PostSubject: Re: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 6:09 am

your anaesthetist will probably be lovely. Im sure they are well trained at dealing with mental case women in labour.

I asked mine after she was born if my tummy was flat yet. he was like well....more flat than it was before Laughing

ask if you can have some music on if it will help relax you

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PostSubject: Re: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 6:10 am

Also I knwo everyones saying dont do too much and you realy shouldnt but get up and walk when you feel able as it really does help with the healing and getting back to normal. I was back to normal withing a weekish because I was up and about so early x
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PostSubject: Re: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 6:21 am

^^^Thats true. While I wouldnt reccomend it within the 1st day eg a morning section you would be cool to get up following morning. Also talk to your anaesthetist. I didnt the 1st time and had to most horrible reaction to the spinal and spent a lot of it barfing and spinning (felt like it anyway) but the 2nd time the sec it started happening i mentioned it and it was cos my bp was plummeting so they were able to deal with it and stop me feeling like that so mention how you feel and they can fix it.

I also spent the entire time convinced someone was leaning on my right foot...they werent but couldnt convince me otherwise-in my defence id been awake 24 hours and was rather ill so a bit cantankerous....but im sure they wont lean on your foot either
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PostSubject: Re: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 9:02 am

When I had mine, she was born at 12.15pm. I had to stay in the bed until 6 am without food. I was woken up at 6am for tea and toast. I had to get a catheter out then get out the bed and have a shower. Don't be worried about buzzing for them to lift them to lift the baby for you, the mw is well used to it.
The painkillers up your bum are really good, horrid I know but worth it.
A sanitary towel over your scar is really good. It stops you getting bumped.
Because she is breech the hosp will scan you as you get to theatre and if she was turned you wil not have section.
Try being on your hands and knees a lot with your bum up in the air. Hoovering is a good one, with the little nozzle. You may encourage her to turn and have a lovely clean house.
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PostSubject: Re: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 9:14 am

LisaMnGirls wrote:
7. When your in theatre it feels pretty clinical, so just keep chatting, and if youre worried about anything in the slightest then ask someone. For instance the spinal block had gone in, and they told me they were starting, BUT Ahhhhhh, I could still wiggle my toes....I went into panic and yelled 'Mr Jones, dont do anything, im wiggling my toes' which very calmly and monotone he replied 'Calm down Lisa its a good job im not a foot surgeon then isnt it!, we have started already and believe me you would be telling us if you could feel it!' Laughing I felt a right muppet, but they were all great.

LOL the weirdest part was that you can feel them touching you so I was convinced it was going to hurt but actually you can't feel it at all. You just get a bit of tugging.

I agree with the getting up. I think I was allowed after about 15 or 16 hours and the shower I had was the best thing ever.

Be prepared for the fact you have to wee in a pot afterwards because they want to make sure you're weeing enough after having the catheter in. That was a slightly strange experience
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PostSubject: Re: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 7:04 pm

^^ completely agree with all of the above! about moving, with my 1st section i was kept in bed with a catheter in for 3 days and it took so long for me - weeks actually! to stop walking like a zombie. The 2nd time the catheter was out about 6 hours after the c section and they sent me for a little walk not long after that. I found i got back to normal much quicker the 2nd time Very Happy

i wish i had taken LOADS of clothes for bubs and me, I took 6 vests and sleepsuits and it wasn't enough for the first 2 days as he was bringing up little bits of milk with every feed. I also didn't have enough clothes for me as i got covered in milk too, not to mention throwing up over myself - they offered me a cup of tea a few hours after my op, it was delicious but i threw it back up straight away Embarassed I called my (evil) midwife who changed the sheets for me but just ignored me when i said i'd thrown up on my nightie too Sad couldn't get myself changed so that was a bit rubbish. Was very glad when her shift finished! You can buzz them to pick up the baby for a feed, i found after 12 or so hours i could kind of roll out of bed to pick him up myself, but they really don't mind doing it for you.

I had Noah on a Monday afternoon and was back home Wednesday lunchtime as the people either side of me were so noisy, me and Noah couldn't get any sleep. I told them my mum. dad, oh and sister would take shifts looking after me and they were happy enough to let me go home, so if you want to go home early, let them know you've got a good support network. You might want to stay in longer though! Laughing I found i was able to move around and do stuff quicker than i expected, but it's definitely worth spending as much time resting as poss. All in all both of mine were a pretty good experience (the c section more than the labour actually, haha)

Good luck, i hope it goes really smoothly for you, bubs will soon be here!! so excited for you!!

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PostSubject: Re: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySun Jan 01, 2012 2:56 am

Thank you all so much for all of this advice. It really is invaluable. I have been out and got nighties, new slippers and granny pants today, so im happy with my hospital bag now.

The midwife yesterday said they want me up within 6 hours and walking around within 12 (not sure what 'up' means if 'walking around' is 12 hours).

I also went to Boots and got some stool softners Embarassed, I guess its better to have them than to get caught short and be in agony. x
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PostSubject: Re: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySun Jan 01, 2012 4:38 am

Havent read others cos on phone but had two elective, you need own big pants nighties, socks etc shower stuff and towel, about 12 vests n sleepsuits for vommy n poss 3 days, unless you get oh to bring you a clean supply when needed that's what I did, I was in for about 48 hours, take fruit juice cos you have to poop before they let you go tmi lol but its impossible on hosp crappy food eating next to nothing, and buy tv cos that's all that keeps you sane x
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PostSubject: Re: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySun Jan 01, 2012 4:39 am

Ps I never got any help at all while alone so take plenty o will power lol x
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PostSubject: Re: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySun Jan 01, 2012 6:59 am

Laura wrote:
The midwife yesterday said they want me up within 6 hours and walking around within 12 (not sure what 'up' means if 'walking around' is 12 hours)

I think (although i have blocked loads of it out!) that the catheter was out and i was sent off to the loo after 6 hours, then back to bed, then after 12 hours i was expected to be up to change baby's nappies & clothes etc and get myself to the loo/shower and what not. I remember the midwife changing the first few of noah's nappies and passing him over for feeds, and telling me to have a lie down and get my strength back (which was nice). Hope that helps! Smile
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PostSubject: Re: C Section Mums   C Section Mums EmptySun Jan 01, 2012 7:15 am

I think a lot depends on when you have the baby. I had Jamie at 5pm so by the time it was morning and they came round to check it was just getting up but I think they probably mean what Kat says.

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