So the day before I was due to go in 4 induction I thought perhaps my waters were leaking so went in turns out it wasnt waters just really excessive discharge
so anyways they done the usual tests and took a couple of swabs sent them off back home by lunch time
4am Thursday (induction day contractions start YAY put it off really want to at least get the kids up 2 explain b4 I go in by 7 am had 2 ring in they were 5 mins apart but did get to get the kids up b4 i rang having contractions on the phone they say well come in when ur ready so get off the phone they bloody stop completely
so carry on getting Jaiden ready breakie and lunch and stuff go off to hospital bout 830 explain 2 them they had stopped but i was booked in 4 induction anyway so went down to the labor suite
straight away hooked up 2 moniter if any contraction (I had about 3 between phoning and getting there) Very mild contractions were picked up but nowt doin really so Jaickie (MW) does an internal nope cervix completely not ready high closed right at the back not favourable at all so will try a pessary may or may not work might b sensitive to it as baby number 3 that goes in about 930 ish off the monitors to walk around 4 an hour c if owt happens no ok will c if there is a space on a ward 4 you can take up to 24 hours then we will take it out and put another 1 in OH gr8
by the time some other ppl got admitted and they were lookin 4 a bed things started
contractions were ok was eating roast chicken lunch (12;30) between contractions all good got back on the monitors 2 check contractions and baby starting to think about gas and air by about 1ish yep contractions deffo picking up regular and strong but they didnt want to take the pessary out incase everything stopped again on the gas and air doc came in saw how strong the contractions were and she said get it out now
so took the pessary out bout half 1 ish they kept coming and increasing intensity and frequency all good
told them the gas and air wasnt really gonna go the distance so when I can id have diamorphine or epi coz they were just getting so intense really wanted to know if the contractions were actually doin anything but she said the pessary hasnt been out 4 an hour yet dont want to do 2 internal 2 soon but they called a doctor in to do 1 yep he says ur 4cm WOW ok thats cool then he just went ahead and broke my waters at 14:40 asked 4 some more pain relief yep will get u some codine and paracetamol in a sec ok OMG it just went mad started shouting 4 an epi goin mad on the gas and air all of a sudden just felt like i was doin a poo then knew what was goin on shouted again 4 my epi she had a look down there and I saw her eyes widen she hit the button 4 a secondry midwife and peadi as she had pooed but as the secondry midwife came in she was born 10 after having my waters broken no tears grazes stiches or owt everything was perfect she just kind of slipped out didnt really need 2 push much at all Then...
The third stage yet again bloody retained placenta but ne severe bleeding so we tried every trick in the book 2 get it out pushed harder than i did 2 get Keira out, tried aromatherapy breast feeding but no well and truely stuck so ended up needing a spinal to go 2 theatre to have a manual removal again I was just remembering what it was like last time and I was crapping myself but alls well that ends well that was done no probs there
then I got back to the delivery room and thats when they told me that they got yesterdays swab results back and I was a group B strep carrier so the risks 2 baby were explaind and she then had 2 b taken away to b checked and started on antibiotics and other tests done as they just didnt have time 2 give them 2 me during labour so I was then left after having an almost perfect birth then bloody taken to theatre then my baby taken away felt like she was gone 4 hours worrying about what I had done 2 get this etc etc so thats about that
She is an angel sleeps and feeds had a lot of mucus where she was born so quickly but shes just a dream ill get pics up when I can all the tests came back clear all her obs were fine
So Keira Faye was born at 14:58 1/3/12 weighing a dinky 6lbs 7oz