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 Crap day, rant alert

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Crap day, rant alert _
PostSubject: Crap day, rant alert   Crap day, rant alert EmptyFri Oct 22, 2010 3:32 am

Well ive had enough today. Caelyns woken from her nap in a vile vile vile mood. She threw her fruit pouch at me and covefed the computer in fruit so got put in naughty corner but it took 20 mins of putting her back every 15 seconds to actually get her to sit there. I feel a bit ashamed i took her rabbit and hurled it out the room in the end but was getting so frustrated and trying so hard not to yell at her just say naughty corner now and keep putting her back. Feel like a really crud mum as it seemed to acheieve nothing but stressing us both out for 1 minute of sitting in the naughty corner and now she wont eat her dinner.

Neils mad at me cos he phoned to say he was going to be home late cos he needed to load up for tommorrow to get on the road in time and i need to put c to bed and i said his company take the pee cos he works 5-10 mins down the road yet on his 8-5 shift never gets time for lunch, leaves the house at 7 and comes home at 6 so works extra hours every week for nothing. He decided this was me having a pop at HIM got arsey at me and hung up the phone on me.

Midwife today not entirely reassuring. She did my bp and said it was high but borderline today, she cant understand why my gp didnt phone my consultant instead of asking me to do it. She said she doesnt think i should ring him yet cos they wont start meds on my current readings (yesterday 158/90 and pulse 108) but she said its not gonna come down as far as she can see from my history she thinks it will keep rising and i will end up on meds. She said she thinks im going for pre eclampsia again and i need to see the midwives every week from now til bubba is born. I asked about my pulse and she thinks i need to see an anaesthetist re the section cos of the palpitations and he might want me to have another ecg just to rule out cardiac causes again even though last one was normalish. She said they are common in preg which i knew anyway but i said i was worried that if im having them when im only doing things like housework at home whats gonna happen when i go back to work and she said the only was to avoid them was to relax and avoid stress and since in my job thats impossible i shouldnt bank on not having a lot of time off work between now and bubbas birth No shes coming to see me monday and got gp again next week. All in all not really what i wanted to hear.

Oh and heartburn screaming at me, already a 3rd of the way through the bottle of gaviscon i got yeterday

Sorry for moan just very down and fed up today, feel like im letting everyone down lately
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Crap day, rant alert _
PostSubject: Re: Crap day, rant alert   Crap day, rant alert EmptyFri Oct 22, 2010 3:46 am

I love the - avoid stress and relax- advice! It is impossible when you have a toddler and a household to maintain. The palps are concerning only because of how your BP has been lately, and I hope they defo recheck that. As for the heartburn(acid reflux) you may have to ask about a Rx, as it will only get worse hun. C is probably acting out feeling your stress. I did chuckle at picturing you throwing her beloved Bunny across the room...I emotionally scarred Matt by doing that with his precious Lambo, he still remembers it to this day! Hang in there hun..the day isn't over yet and hopefully will settle for you. xxx
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Crap day, rant alert _
PostSubject: Re: Crap day, rant alert   Crap day, rant alert EmptyFri Oct 22, 2010 4:19 am

Sorry you've been having a bad day, your not a bad mum, good mum's have bad days too!
Have you spoke to your gp about your indegestion? i saw mine at 20 weeks as mine was so bad i was swigging out of the bottle all night and couldn't lay flat coz or it. i was put on omeprazole as it's ok to take in pg. I took it for 2 or 3 weeks regularly then only when needed for rest of pg.
If your GP has told you to call the consultant i'd give him a call and ignore that mw. Surely its best to get on top of this situation sooner rather than later!
If the midwife wants you to avoid stress that much then she'll have to put you on the sick then!!!
keep your chin up things will get better soon x
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Crap day, rant alert _
PostSubject: Re: Crap day, rant alert   Crap day, rant alert EmptyFri Oct 22, 2010 4:34 am

Your not a bad mum - end of! I have hurled quite a few things of Islas, shouted, screamed, and put her outside of a room and shut the door (probably my lowest moment).....because I was so scared of lashing out!!! So what does that make me??? Just human hun x

Right now for the pre-eclamp BP did exactly the same as yours around 17-18 weeks started great, then got higher till about 20 weeks, then levelled out a bit, and then started rising towards the end! It was quite often at your readings, and no it has to be persistantly 100 on your bottom number to medicate. I was told that in pg they are completely uninterested in the top number. Again mine was regularly between 150-175. My normal BP is/was 130/80.

So im trying to say that so far this doesnt indicate pre-e, so please for now try to put it to the back of your mind. Do you urine dip? Check it a couple of times a week at work, or buy some albustix from your local chemist theyre about £4. You only need to worry if BP presistantly at 100 ish, and regularly dipping 2++ protein, but im sure you know this already!!!

Have they started you on Aspirin 75mg, and have you got hold of the magnesium? Also there are studies on calcium regulating blood pressure, so add that one to your shopping list! Get C in the buggy when u get home, and walk briskly for 30 mins a day (while u can - lol), that really helped my BP. Although I did find it a struggle as im not the smallest of ladies Laughing

Other than that, get Miss C to bed and get some Crap day, rant alert 84032 down ure neck!!!
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Crap day, rant alert _
PostSubject: Re: Crap day, rant alert   Crap day, rant alert EmptyFri Oct 22, 2010 4:39 am

I had killer heartburn when PG. Have you tried ranitidine? Worked like a dream for me. Had to take it twice a day and frig did I know about it if I forgot!

Sorry your having a poop day. You arent letting everyone down. With regards being off work atm you are doing what best for LO. Neil im sure will calm down, you were only saying you wanted more time with him at home which is perfectly reasonable. I wouldnt be happy if Stuart was working extra for nowt (Well maybe I would if it increased his chances of getting hrs back but thats dif topic!). Again you were only thinking of your family.
I have had tiffs with Caitlin too were I have came out the other side and thought what was the point in that. At the time you get so caught up in following through and teaching them a consequence/whats acceptable that you forget to step back and realise its not working and they are only little. Everyone does it.
Caelyn is such spirited wee chicken and you wouldnt change that for the world. We love hearing about her we adventures. Its a credit to you she is so intelligent and confident.

Do try and relax, but yup with a stunt baby, a psycho cat and a house to run in isnt easy! Hopefully if you need meds you'l get them soon.

Hope you feeling better soon. x
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Crap day, rant alert _
PostSubject: Re: Crap day, rant alert   Crap day, rant alert EmptyFri Oct 22, 2010 4:51 am

awwww hugs hugz sorry to hear you've had a bad day. just wish i could help somehow. if i lived closer i would pop over x
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Crap day, rant alert _
PostSubject: Re: Crap day, rant alert   Crap day, rant alert EmptyFri Oct 22, 2010 5:17 am

Oh no Mario, sorry to hear you're having such a shitty day Sad

I don't really have any advice hun (Lisa's sounds brilliant though).

Huge hugs hun and I really hope you feel better tomorrow Crap day, rant alert 466645 xx
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Crap day, rant alert _
PostSubject: Re: Crap day, rant alert   Crap day, rant alert EmptyFri Oct 22, 2010 5:45 am

aww hun, no advice, just wanted to send you some virtual hugs Crap day, rant alert 466645
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Crap day, rant alert _
PostSubject: Re: Crap day, rant alert   Crap day, rant alert EmptyFri Oct 22, 2010 6:39 am


Jen-already got the gaviscon on script but seeing gp next thurs so if still as bad as its been last few days will prob speak to him about omeprazole, was on it last time and it did help as long as i didnt forget to take it. Felt awful about bedtime bunny, i actually flung him up the stairs because she kept coming out the corner to get him. She seemed happy enough after we went for a walk together and was quite happy snuggling him while i cooked dinner

Claire i figure i might leave it this week and see what my gp and my regular mw says as tbh i have no idea how i even go about ringing my consultant. No idea why gp just didnt do it if thats what he wants

Lisa - Yeah i know its not p/e yet too early on. Mw just said shes not hopeful it aint going that way or that my bp will drop on its own cos of my history, this was how i started last time and at this stage too and progressed to it so she said its not p/e now but shes worried its on the cards. Im currently dipping 1+ everytime i dip and have been for a few weeks now but waiting on a lab test to rule out a urine infection. She said the bottom number needs to be 95 before they medicate so she thinks it will happen in time just not yet. Im usually 110/60 so its a good 20-30 rise on both numbers for me at moment. Im going to go to town tommorrow though so I will try and get the magnesium and calcium while im out, i am on aspirin every day though and have been since 6 weeks.

Snoops-thankyou xxx I think C is too much like momma and i doubt this is the last time we will clash, shes as stubborn and free spirited as me. I guess i probably should have left it but at that point in my head if i gave in she would think if she screamed long enough she got away with it. Still we had a nice bath with duckies together and lots of cuddles and are all friends again. Neils home now doing the 'im not mad im just gonna grunt at you all night' thing but after an evening of sulking he will be fine. I just get frustrated at his company taking the pee out of the fitters but he said any other company will have him doing calls outs too so its the better the devil you know

Generally thanks all, im sorry im such a grump lately. I just hate this. Just hate being in limbo and not being in control. Control freak much?
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Crap day, rant alert _
PostSubject: Re: Crap day, rant alert   Crap day, rant alert EmptyFri Oct 22, 2010 6:43 am

((((BIG HUGS)))) I cant give much more advice than the others have already + im a great big emotional mess at the mo so will prob speak a load of carp Smile
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Crap day, rant alert _
PostSubject: Re: Crap day, rant alert   Crap day, rant alert EmptyFri Oct 22, 2010 6:48 am

Aww mario hun. It sounds like you have had a shite day, sending you huge hugz xxx
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Crap day, rant alert _
PostSubject: Re: Crap day, rant alert   Crap day, rant alert EmptyFri Oct 22, 2010 7:08 am

I understand completely Mario!!

If your anything like me, I loved getting pg.......and then every day it was on my mind if/when pe would come again. Your doing everything right, and at least they are checking you all the way.

Huge hugs, and im praying for some nice BP drop'age! xxx
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Crap day, rant alert _
PostSubject: Re: Crap day, rant alert   Crap day, rant alert EmptyFri Oct 22, 2010 7:10 am

Aww Mario, don't apologise for being a grump hun. We're all entitled to bad days..however many of them we have!

You did the right thing with C! I know it feels like you're fighting a losing battle when you constantly have to remind them what they should be doing, but it pays off in the long run.

You've been give some great advice hun, which I can't really add anymore to, other than to hang in there and take things easy.

Thinking of you x x x
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Crap day, rant alert _
PostSubject: Re: Crap day, rant alert   Crap day, rant alert EmptyFri Oct 22, 2010 7:10 am

Lisa love your new profile pic hun xx
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Crap day, rant alert _
PostSubject: Re: Crap day, rant alert   Crap day, rant alert EmptyFri Oct 22, 2010 7:49 am

LisaMnGirls wrote:
I understand completely Mario!!

If your anything like me, I loved getting pg.......and then every day it was on my mind if/when pe would come again. Your doing everything right, and at least they are checking you all the way.

Huge hugs, and im praying for some nice BP drop'age! xxx

Thanks hon. Fingers crossed eh

Hops - have a feeling the terrible twos are gonna be fun fun fun. Independent lil miss
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