I am so fed up of my MIL being so bloody sensitive and thinking everything is about her!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dave and I were invited out for a meal and then on to a pub for one of our friend's birthday's tonight. We asked MIL if she would be able to baby sit and she said yes. Only the next day she said that she'd have to have Amelia at her's as she has people staying. Fair enough but Amelia will be staying at my Mum's Sun and Mon night as we're at a wedding where Dave is best man. Now Amelia is great when she stays out but she's VERY clingy for the next few days and tends to "punish" us be being very sensitive and grumpy/tantrumy. So I didn't want to upset her before she had to stay at my Mum's as I want her to be her usual happy self to make my mum's life as easy as possible.
Now I tried to make an excuse when MIL said she'd have to stay at her's but it fell on deaf ears, so Dave had to call this morning and let her know. Well apparently she is really upset and thinks it's because we don't trust her. FFS he explained our exact reasons and does she honestly think that we'd let her have Amelia at all or even ask if we didn't trust her????!!!!!! Gah I'm just so annoyed as now we have to tiptoe around her and pander to her to make her feel "loved" again. She can just be so needy!!!
Sorry I just needed to vent before I rang and told her to stop being so over sensitive!!! x