Emz post just reminded me!
We went to the local garden centre this eve then popped to Lidl to stock up on some bits for Christmas cupboard (pepsi, 7-up, irn bru, 79p for 2l btw...
) but with the main aim of little one having a good run about on his reins and get out of the blinking house.
Anyway, in Lidl, saw some interesting chocolate, me and hubby figuring out which price tag was for which - bean veeerrry busy on the bottom shelf... as we walked away I turned around, watching my boys walking down the aisle... what on earth was bean chewing on?!
The wee minx had only found some chocolate raisins that had burst open - (which we didn't see as the packaging had a photo of the choc raisins on!) and snaffled at least one!
I wouldn't mind but he had fleece mittens on that didn't even have a thumb part, so how on earth he managed to get one to his mouth...?!
You've got to laugh, especially when he protested at being led away when he'd finished chewing