Sorry in advance if this is a long one.
When I stopped BF at 5 months Thomas became a very sicky baby.
I found it very hard at 6 months getting him to eat solids, he just would not do it.
He slowly started eating bits but was still very sick.
He went right down on growth chart, got a rash when he had milk & always had a very bloated belly.
The HV said to take him to dr and dr referred him to hospital.
They thought he was allergic to milk so had to put him onto soya.
He was still sick but only every now and then. His eating was better but did not get to where he should be until he turned 1.
Just after his 1st birthday he had to go back to hospital. He saw a different dr and she said she thinks he has reflux.
She put him on some tablets and near enough straight away he stopped being sick.
He was on the tablets for 3 months. He ate really well, was not sick at all in that time and we were really pleased.
He was due to go back to hospital about a month ago but my other son was off school sick so I could not take him.
He cannot be seen now until Feb.
For the last month he has not been on tablets and has now stopped eating again and has started being sick.
My drs are useless, if I take him back there it will be a waste of everyones time.
Any suggestions what I should do? x