My cat is driving us insane!
She is in, out, in, out, in, out and just squeals the street down if we shut the back door and she is outside.
She decides she wants to get up at 4am and cries until we let her out, on the occasions where we ignore her, she then scratches and makes out she is going to wee/poo on the floor in protest.
Even the neighbour said yesterday that when we go to work (im only gone 4 hours in the morning), she sits out the front of our house meowing the entire time. We just cant win!
Im thinking of getting her a Mr Snugs cat shelter for outside, but I have no idea if she will use it. We are both getting really ratty, as im not sleeping as it is (not comfortable pg at night) and we are going to have a newborn again soon.
I dont know what else to do with her - any suggestions would be very much appreciated x