Hi all it's been ages but I finally have Internet and a brand new baby boy!
Noel was born at home on 7th feb at 12.47am, weighing 7lb 5 oz.
On 6th feb I had period pains but was not sure it was labour after a false alarm two weeks before! I had started to doubt my body by then
It had got to 6 pm and I'd been having contractions for the past few hours every 10 min, mil came for the boys and oh ordered a pizza as we were in for a long night. Pizza arrive and I rushed it down as pains had intensified and gone to every 5 min. Marc phoned midwife and she arrived at 7pm, saw the pain level I was at so called the seco d midwife for gas and air. By 10pm I was 7cm and begging for more pain relief!
I started to wonder what the hell I'd been thinking with a home birth as it was agony! Marc was great although spent a lot of time making tea and even toasties for the mw!
By 12.30 I was so sure his babies head was crowning but the midwifes said they couldn't see it, I had a quarter of gas and air left in the last tank and could hear them saying I could run out! I turned to lean over my gym ball and he literally popped out with one push (told them his head was there!) Marc said they ran to catch him!
My waters went at birth and had meconium, my reason for home birth had been because I wanted to get straight into bed after with my baby. We had to go in by ambulance to hospital so that Noel could be monitored.
was gutted but obviously wanted to make sure baby was ok.