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PostSubject: Update   Update - Page 2 EmptySat Sep 25, 2010 9:29 pm

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Ok, so much has happened since my last post so this may be a long one!

Every day has thrown a new challenge my way whether it be dealing with other people or my own demons.

I spent a week with Alex talking, making him do things for Lucas and round the house. The week went well and I felt closer to him than I have in a long time.

His GF had the mw who specialises in teen pregnancies come out to visit her and from what her mum said she just made her more determined to keep the baby. I know she has to tell her of all the support she'll receive but now she knows that she'll be given £500 ffs she thinks she can afford it. AND she told her that younger mothers make better mothers!!! Oooo that made me furious. How can anyone say what age makes better mothers let alone to an impressionable child.

Anyway the school went to her house Monday with the electronic baby (set on it's hardest setting) for her to have for two days and nights. And this is where things went wrong. Alex was at his dads but asked me if he could stay off school on the Tuesday to spend the day with his GF and experience the baby. I discussed it with my partner and we felt that while he should be able to see what it would be like, if his GF only has it for two days then she should be alone with it as that is what the reality of this situation will be. I told him I'd see if I could arrange with the school something else. But he was not happy with that. His words were 'you nag in my ear all the time about how hard it will be, and then when I get the chance to experience it you won't let me!' Which I understand but still, we had to stick with our decision. This then kicked off into a MAJOR strop from him and me telling him a few home truths. He then told me he doesn't want to live with me anymore and wants me to put him into care!

The next day was difficult as his sister still doesn't know about the situation. So we kept him off school as he said even if we dropped him off he wouldn't go, and got her to school. Then my partner spoke with his parents to see if they could talk to him, which they felt probably wouldn't be a great idea as his mum is devastated by what's happened and would probably fly off the handle and his dad felt he wouldn't respect what he had to say. So they spoke to me instead, which I can honestly say did not help. They said about all what he'd miss out on and the affect it will have on everyone. Which I KNOW already and felt like they think I'm happy about the situation and am just sitting back and letting it all happen. As I explained to them I know all what they're saying and I have already told Alex this myself. But unfortunately I have very little influence over the situation and all I can do is talk to Alex and his GF mum. Which believe me, I've done a lot of already and will continue to do!

Anyway, we got someone from his school to come and see him in the hope that he may open up to him but he didn't. I also spent the day on the phone to various different people, trying to find some support. As yet we have had no phone calls from anyone about this. I get that his GF is ultimately the main person to be affected by what will happen but Alex is and will be too. And there is NO support AT ALL for him! I have trawled the internet and spent many hours on the phone to various different people to see what help and support we can get but in our area there appears to be none. I haven't phoned the social yet tho as I was told they will be in contact with us.

I have been in regular contact with his school however as he was already struggling to knuckle down at school and has had a lot of problems within the past year. I have discussed with them and him about moving schools and last week they put in an application for him to transfer to another school. I know that all schools have their tearaways and Alex is attracted to that crowd but I just feel that he will have no chance at doing well at school if he is with his hormonal, pregnant teenage gf! It's just too much to ask of him. And let's face it, it is massively important that he gets a good education!! The problem is that now he's told her he's moving she is very upset by it and naturally now he doesn't want to make the move. Which I understand too but he's behaviour at school is bad and he is bunking lesson now too. It's like we're all stuck between a rock and a hard place!

So that's where they are at atm.

I on the other hand have been up and down and down and well down I guess. I have managed to keep on the smiley mummy face for my other two kids but by god has it been hard. My parents still don't know yet either. As I'm sure you can imagine it's not been easy to deal with but a couple of days ago I felt like I was being attacked by everyone, being pushed and pulled in every direction. To put it bluntly everyone feels that this is a disaster and of course I agree. My partner himself said there is no happy ending to this, and yes I understand that…BUT, it has happened and I can't nor would I want to force her into a termination. At the end of the day this is my son and I am his mother. I WILL support him no matter what and if she keeps the baby I will look for the positives in the situation rather than dwell on the negatives as that won't get anyone anywhere.

My next major challenge is to tell my 8yo daughter what mess her brother has got himself into. And yet again everyone seems to have their own opinion on when she should be told. Personally I am at a loss as to when she should be told. I was hoping to wait until we knew 100% for sure if she is keeping the baby and then tackle the subject.

I'm scared because I don't want to do the wrong thing throughout this situation and when I say things and do things I keep thinking was/is that right. Will they take that the right way, what should I say and do? Oh I'm exhausted from it, really I am. But I MUST stay strong!

My partner and I are considering sending Alex to and I'd really like to hear your opinions on it. We would follow it up with family counselling too. Yet again everyone has their opinions on it and most give us a bad reaction but I think that's because they just hear the name of it and haven't looked at the website. I have spoken to the head counsellor who runs it and truly believe it can only be of benefit to Alex. What has happened has made me do a lot of soul searching and I can look back now and see where I could have done things better. I look at Alex now and see a confused, broken teenager. Who if he carries on this path will end up in prison or worse. I can't mend him, I don't have the qualifications, so as his mum I want to get him some help and be there for him.

Thank you for reading this mammoth post and for your time and support, especially to all who have pm'd me. I truly value your opinions, friendship and support each and every one of you x x x
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PostSubject: Re: Update   Update - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 26, 2010 6:06 am

awww massive hugs to you. Dont blame yourself for thinking Alex has turned out like this because you could've done something differently. I always believe it's their peers that influence them and affect their behaviour and I promise this is just a phase ( i was a feckin nightmare teen) and I've turned out fine - but i learnt the hard way though. I think Alex is just gonna have to grow up a bit quicker than others his age, which is a shame but like you said, whats done is done and the only thing to do,like you said is look for the positives and just be there for him. From what you've said already,you've found some mega strength within you and in my opinion you are going above and beyond what alot of people would do. You're supporting your son and standing by him which in my book make you a bloody fantastic mother and in time Alex will thank you beyond word for that xxxx
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PostSubject: Re: Update   Update - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 26, 2010 7:33 am

oh hun, i cant really add anything to what the other ladies have said. i was 16 as was oh when we got pg with leo. i know we were a bit older but it is not the be all and end all and it certainly wont ruin their lives if they do keep the baby, i am not saying this is the best situation to be in, all i am saying is you will all get through it and im pretty sure there will be a happy ending...maybe not quite the one you hoped for and expected...but im sure things will fall into place(((((((hugs))))))) to you all, stay strong and take care, you are a brilliant and supportive mum and thats just what your son needs right now xxxx
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PostSubject: Re: Update   Update - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 26, 2010 8:53 pm

Aww ladies..I love you all!! You're are so supportive and have offered me so much advice and reassurance.

There are a few reasons why I haven't told my parents yet. Firstly because they have a lot on their plates themselves. My Grandad is very ill in hospital atm and my Nanna has moved in with my Auntie and my parents alternately for the time being. Both my Mum and Auntie have had breast cancer in the past 5 years too. My parents are in the middle of major renovations to their house, which has been very stressful. These things coupled with the fact that I know they'll be deeply disappointed and distraught by the news, I'm sure will just add to the pressure they are under. I feel if I tell them now they will probably take it out on me and right now I really don't need that. I REALLY need their support but I can't see that happening so until I know for sure what's going on I feel they are better off, well perhaps we are all better off if they are unaware of the situation. The trouble is that there are a more and more people finding out now because his GF has put some things on FB, so the potential for them finding out from other sources is getting higher. That's a chance I have to take atm and will tackle should they find out. It's just another thing I've had to make a decision about not knowing if I'm doing right or wrong, just trying to do the best for us all. x x x

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PostSubject: Re: Update   Update - Page 2 EmptySun Sep 26, 2010 8:57 pm

Aww Jo - just seen this hun - wow you are such a strong person and a fab mum, I aspire to be like you hun. I don't have any advice that hasn't already been given so just wanna send you some (((((((((hugs)))))))))) and hope it all comes good in the end.

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PostSubject: Re: Update   Update - Page 2 EmptyMon Sep 27, 2010 4:47 am

JO! You are doing everything and more! You are an incredible mom! Did you ever get a hold of anyone in the family planning clinics? Also agree 110% on the brat camp as Alex seems to have emotionally shut down with pretty much everyone in the family. Disgusted in the mw as well..she should know better about making motherhood sound like -it's a small world ride- at Disneyland. need emotional support, and yes your parents will probably flip out at first, but they will camp in your corner to help you when you feel like falling apart. Don't go through any of this alone, and none of this is any of your fault as I am sure you are blaming yourself as any good mom would! Know that I/we ladies are here for whatever you need us to be! Mucho love to you and the kids! xxx
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PostSubject: Re: Update   Update - Page 2 EmptyMon Sep 27, 2010 5:22 am

I dont really have anything constructive to add hops as i couldnt imagine what you are going through right now but id say you should talk to your parents. You need support too and they might be disappointed but they will be there for you and Alex xxx
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PostSubject: Re: Update   Update - Page 2 EmptyMon Sep 27, 2010 7:34 pm

agree hun tell your parents... look at it the other way if Alex didn't tell you because he thought you were under enough pressue you'd be hurt upset and more angry than if he'd just told you straight away. They are there to support you their parents thats what they do and you need to think about yourself too in all of this and Im sure just a big hug from your mum will do a world of good x
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PostSubject: Re: Update   Update - Page 2 EmptyWed Sep 29, 2010 12:09 am

Thanks Debs, Jen and Mario x x

I will tell my parents in time, just not yet. I haven't turned to them for support in a long time now. They tend to get on with their lives and I do mine.

Jen, I did phone the family planning and they said they could talk to Alex and his GF about the medical side of things, but couldn't sit them down and tell them what to expect and what it will do to their lives. I did have a good chat with the nurse there and she then got the Doctor to phone me back. She was really good to talk to and made me feel a bit better. She also said that they would be better off seeing her own GP for a chat. Still waiting to talk to the GF's mum to see what she thinks.

I've been in discussions with Alex's school again. They are internally suspending him as punishment for bunking and will give him one last chance before MAKING him do home tuition!

Our new challenge for the week is, Alex has asked if he can stay round his GF's this weekend. I've said no for more than one reason. Firstly, I presume he will be staying in her room and (this may sound daft) but I feel they are too young. I know they are no longer virgins and have a baby on the way but that doesn't mean they can sleep together on a regular basis. Also, I let Alex stay round a friends house when they had a party (it was just over the road from where his dad lives) and his dad let Alex's GF stay at his (in separate rooms) during the school holidays. Now at some point they obviously slept together which resulted in this situation. So he has betrayed our trust and let us down big time. Therefore he will have to earn that back before I agree to him staying round his GF's. I would be very interested in your comments on this, to see if you agree, disagree or have your own opinions. I respect whatever you have to say guys, I really do.

Alex's attitude when I told him no was. 'Oh my god, why not, whatever, well I'm going anyway' Rolling Eyes Ahhh well, I know I'm going to have another battle on my hands here!

x x x x
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PostSubject: Re: Update   Update - Page 2 EmptyWed Sep 29, 2010 12:27 am

I cant begin to imagine what you are going through with everything that has been going on. I really wouldnt know where to start if I were in your situation.

What do Alex's GF's parents think about Alex staying over at the weekend?

I can see why you think that he shouldnt be allowed to stay over. However, I was 14 when my mum used to let me stay at my boyfriends house at weekends. My mums view was 'if you are determined to have sex, you will anyway, so I would rather you were safe and we knew where you are'.

It may not be the idea solution, but because I didnt have to hide things, I had an open and honest relationship with my mum. Alex may feel that you are just blocking him at every turn and it could make relations very tense between you.

However, it is very easy for me to sit giving advice, when I am not in your situation. I would totally trust your instincts as a mother, they are normally right.

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PostSubject: Re: Update   Update - Page 2 EmptyWed Sep 29, 2010 12:32 am

Hi hun you are amazing and such a strong supportive mum and sending you a big squishy huggle xxx

On the camp I would send him i have looked into these for Ceejay but they wont take him because he is only 11, Tell your parents when you are ready its you need to deal with this in your own way and let things settle first x

as for staying at his gf's even when i was 17 i had my boyfriend come down to the caravan my parents owned and we had to sleep apart, only when i was married did my mum and dad happily have me in the same room as marc they are quite old fashioned on some things xx stay strong hun you are doing an amazing job xxxx
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PostSubject: Re: Update   Update - Page 2 EmptyWed Sep 29, 2010 8:06 am


You are an amazing lady hun and an amazing mum. I have no doubt that you are doing the best thing for Alex and always will do, and I hope he and everyone else that has been giving you a tough time realise this. I think that moving schools is the right thing to do for everyone. I know Alex doesn't want to leave his gf but a good education for them both is now more important than ever I feel if they are going to be parents.

The camp sounds like a good idea hun, would Alex go though? I wish I could say something more useful but things will work out hun and it will get easier. With regards to telling your daughter hun, I would leave it as long as you can hun but I'm sure you don't want her finding out from someone else so its a tough call.

You are an amazing lady and you are an amazing mum don't ever forget that and I for one feel honoured to class you as a friend.

Thinking of you xx
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