As some of you may know, harry doesnt sleep much, i did a sleep chart on him last night at hv request as she is around on monday, and it went like this
6.50 bath
7.10 story time & snuggle
7.30 in cot awake (me laying on the floor)
7.50 asleep, i leave
11.00 wakes, crying, i put dummy in, straight back to sleep
11.30 awake, screaming, stood in cot pointing at the door (guessin he wants to go in my bed) i lay on the floor, ignore him and he sits down but constantly doing frustrated cry
1.30 falls asleep, i go back to bed
6.00 awake, i get bottle and we go in my bed then he is wide awake
6.30 we r washed & dressed!
That is a good night, sometimes he is up every 20 mins!
He is only getting 8 hours sleep surely that isnt right?!
He will nap in the day for an hour or 2
Anyoneelse have sleep issues? Or have any advise? My oh is always willing to help but this makes harry scream louder and longer so its easier for me to see to him