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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptyFri Nov 12, 2010 6:20 pm

Well have been here a week now! Bp is still not stable despite the meds, the last 2 days its been around 150/100 ish! I have no swelling, 2+ protien in urine and raised urates in blood! Also had major headache and floating lights!! But docs just keep saying they will observe me!! They have agreed to bring my cut and shut forward to 37 weeks which is tuesday (as this is best for baby cause of this that and the other study!!) but I am not happy!! Bubs isn't moving much, I am not sleeping or eating and that's not helping I am sure! My body is telling me this bubs needs out asap!!

Can anyone give me more info about pre eclampsia and how you were treated with it!!!


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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptyFri Nov 12, 2010 7:48 pm

Bloody hell hun, didn't even realise you were in hospital.
Sorry got no advice just didn't want to read and run but i'm sure Mario will have some advice, i'm sure she had PE in her first pg...I hope you get sorted soon xxx
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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptyFri Nov 12, 2010 8:27 pm

Hey hun i didnt know u were in either really hope all is ok and they get baby out safely Sending lots of love n hugs no advice tho sorry XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptyFri Nov 12, 2010 8:30 pm

Oh sweets. You have my sympathy. I was also sat on for days so im afraidi cant give you much advice other than you are safer in hospital so dont do anything silly like leave. Make sure they dip your urine every day and if you get any pain in your right side or chest tell them immediately as PE can also cause livr edge pain. I had minging indigestion that nothing touched and it turned out it was liver edge pain referring into my chest and was not detected til my bp went skyward.

If you are worried about bubbys movement kick up so they at least get the monitor on you. I sat saying nothing for too long and if i end up the same this time im gonna shout the odds every chance i get if i am worried. Its yours and bubs safety so dont be afraid to speak up. I am glad they have moved your sec forward but keepat them if anthing at all worries you. Will pm you my number as i think you have an out of date num for me. Any qu or just need a rant text me xxx
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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptyFri Nov 12, 2010 9:21 pm

Oh god hun what a nightmare!!! No advice but just hang in there, make sure you tell them about bubs movement. Bigs hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptyFri Nov 12, 2010 10:19 pm

They have been monitoring me everyday but the moment the monitor goes on he goes mad!! The little monster!! I have had chest pain but cause I have been having heartburn I just thought it was indigestion!!! So will mention it! I am still waiting to see a doc today and even had to tell them I was due to have bloods taken as the doc didn't write it down yesterday!!! Am also sat waiting for bp to be taken again as they were supposed to come back after an hour and it's been more!!!

Ta for the offer Mario I will be taking you up on it!!!!

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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptySat Nov 13, 2010 3:30 am

Not a prob, ive pm;ed you my back up number and will check m phone when i find it and text you back with my new number as i cant remember it lol. Deffo mention the chst pain esp if it radiates over to the right.
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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptySat Nov 13, 2010 3:50 am

Just remembered to say they have been dipping my urine daily & it is usually 2+ protien which apparently is fine!!

Have seen doc now who says it isn't pre eclampsia!!!! This is cause the 24 hour urine collection I did at the weekend hasn't shown anything! She had the results back on Wednesday and saw me on Wednesday but didn't tell me that!!!! Am so annoyed!

Have got to wait til bloods come back today and my bp goes down a bit but i might be allowed home tomorrow! So fingers crossed! The only problem now is my pulse has gone up and I feel like I have been kicked in the head by a horse!! They have also brought my c section date forward to 23 rd November!!

So am confused!

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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptySat Nov 13, 2010 4:16 am

I'm not going to say too much because I don't want to worry you but if bubs is slowing down, don't let them discharge you from hospital! xxxxxx
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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptySat Nov 13, 2010 7:26 am

He is a little monkey and slows down til I am monitored then goes nuts!! Have got a scan booked for Monday which I have asked them loads of times since I have been here to move forward!! But no joy!

Had a huge blowout earlier and threaten to discharge myself and still no answers from them other than it's best for baby to stay where he is for as long as possible!!!

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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptySat Nov 13, 2010 8:13 am

Youhave high bp, proteinuria, visual disturbances and raised urates. 24 hour urine aside what ar they saying IS going on? FFS
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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptySat Nov 13, 2010 8:30 am

They dont know!! Got to keep trying to get the meds right is about all! That and it's best for baby to stay put til 38 weeks!!!

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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptySat Nov 13, 2010 9:02 am

Ive had PE too hun, and tbh im very baffled by the Dr's response

PE symptoms:

High BP (regularly over 100), Protein in urine (regularly dipping 2+ or more), visual disturbances, headaches......

Usually confirmed by blood tests to check urate levels...If these are raised in addition to above, then PE is diagnosed.

I had moderately raised BP (mid/high 90's), but my protein levels were shocking, I dipped off the scale (more than 4+), and my 24hr collect read at 5g/24hrs Shocked

I understand trying to delay to get to a safer point, but I would want daily bloods and BP doing in hosp or clinic a a minimum. I had Isla at 37 weeks...they kept me in from 35wks. Isla was also small because of the PE, even though I was mahooosive!!

Have they given you a figure for your urates - they say that a figure equal to your number of weeks is normal, anything above should be very closely monitored, and a decision made on If your 37wks, then your urate level should be 37 or less.

Hope any of this 'arms' you with the Dr's - Huge hugs

Lisa xxx
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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptySat Nov 13, 2010 9:08 am

awwww hun, just wanted to send you hugs and well wishes xx
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PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptySat Nov 13, 2010 11:45 am

This is what I don't understand with drs, If you've got all that going on how the hell is bubs safer in than out? I could understand if you were 30 weeks but your 36+3!
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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptySat Nov 13, 2010 8:16 pm

Thank you everyone for all your help and best wishes!

Just asked about my urates and the figure they have in my notes is 502!! But as I am not a medical bod I have no idea how that works out comparing it to weeks etc but it's gone up from 478, which was 2 days before! Bloods being done every 48 hours atm!

Still having 2+ of protien everyday too but that's not a worry apparently!

Have also been told that cause my iron levels are so low I might have to have a blood transfusion after the section, but iron levels weren't checked on last lot of bloods!!! So they must have special powers to work that one out!!!

Good news is bp has gone down a little today and they might consider releasing me!!!!

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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptySat Nov 13, 2010 9:13 pm

Oh goodness Kinky, hope they are taking good care of you - lol @special powers! Just be sure you've asked any questions you need to; hope little one is here safe and sound without too much more drama. Take care and good luck with a lovely straightforward delivery! xx Pre eclampsia!!! 466645
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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptySat Nov 13, 2010 9:22 pm

why is it hospitals always say its not pe when the evidence is there, i had afew mates give birth this year and each one ws missed, but hd textbook symptoms, hope you get an answer soon hun xx
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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptySat Nov 13, 2010 10:48 pm

I bet you can't wait to get home to your boys! Have yhou got a final date for your section now? x
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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptySat Nov 13, 2010 10:55 pm

Section is booked for 25th November now! But if bp etc goes up they will bring it forward!

Just been seen by a doc who would have been happy to discharge me cause my bp has gone down as per what the doc said to me yesterday! Had the doc yesterday not written something different to what she said to me! I now need to wait for results of PCR urine test, which was done yesterday and it's highly unlikely the results will be back til Monday now!!!! So not happy at all!

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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptySat Nov 13, 2010 11:32 pm

Normal uric acid level is 214 to 494 i think so you are borderline. Iron lovels are done as part of a full blood count. If they were low before but you havent been treated might be why they are not retested as they are unlikely to come up on their own.

The pcr in urine i dont know but in blood it shouldbe 30 or less - i remember mine being 120 and theystill blood waited. I know its frustratin honey but stay put its safest to be where you are thogh i know theyare messing you around so much. Im surprised they are so willing to rule out pe in light of all symptoms and bloods etc but then they said that with me too. Just keep tm aware of any symptoms at all, eye prbs, headaches, chest/abdo pain,limb swelling anything at all make sure they know
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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptySun Nov 14, 2010 2:11 am

OMG I didnt even know you were in hospital! You poor woman!!!
Sounds like they dont know their arse from their elbow. Follow Mario's advice, its great having someone here that can explian things.

Really hope everythings ok and you get to have the wee man in your arms soon.

Thinking of you Pre eclampsia!!! 466645 xxx
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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptySun Nov 14, 2010 3:34 am

Ta Snoopy!

Well I actually got my results back from the PCR and it's 90!!! But nothing will be done til Monday as the hypertension team aren't in til then!

Bp has gone back up to 149/103 at 2pm and someone was supposed to recheck it after an hour! Guess whose still waiting!

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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptySun Nov 14, 2010 4:25 am

Argh! I'm so sorry your having to got through all this! Stupid fecking doctors! You really are in the safest place though hun, take it from someone who knows how quickly things can turn nasty wih PE xxxxxxxx
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Pre eclampsia!!! _
PostSubject: Re: Pre eclampsia!!!   Pre eclampsia!!! EmptySun Nov 14, 2010 5:45 am

It's the only reason I am still here! They are getting the docs back to me again, the MW this evening has said the meds aren't working and they need to get something sorted!

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